Rustic Revival Home

Step into a charming country house that embraces the essence of raw, earthy, inviting you to reconnect with nature while indulging in the cozy of rustic.

Step into a charming country house that embraces the essence of raw, earthy, inviting you to reconnect with nature while indulging in the cozy of rustic.

Step into a charming country house that embraces the essence of raw, earthy, inviting you to reconnect with nature while indulging in the cozy of rustic.
Project Task Lists:
  • Farmhouse-style design
  • Custom barn doors installation
  • Vintage furniture restoration
  • Exposed wooden beams
  • Antique sourcing and placement

Emily and Paul Smith wanted to bring an old-fashioned charm to their suburban home. The challenge was to make it modern while retaining its soul. Our design approach was like crafting a heartfelt country song—every note needed to resonate with authenticity and warmth.

Emily and Paul Smith, both of whom grew up in countryside towns, wanted to recreate the rustic charm that defined their childhoods. The task at hand was complex: modernize the space without sacrificing its soul. We took inspiration from the antique shops they loved, the barns they played in, and the fields they roamed. We carefully restored vintage furniture, sourced authentic antiques, and incorporated farmhouse elements like custom barn doors and exposed wooden beams. The final masterpiece was a nostalgic throwback to their roots while providing all the comforts of the 21st century.

Emily and Paul Smith yearned for a home that would serve as a bridge between their rural pasts and their suburban present. They wanted the charm of worn wood, the coziness of a fireside chair, and the simplicity of country living. To provide an immersive rustic experience, our team visited farmers’ markets and country fairs, and we even held design sessions in a renovated barn to spark our creativity. We sourced reclaimed wood for authenticity and created areas within the home where their children could feel the rustic charm their parents grew up with. Their home is now a harmonious blend of past and present, offering the best of both worlds.

"Our home has transformed into a rustic haven where each nook and cranny tells a story. It feels like a warm hug, capturing the spirit of simpler times while offering all the modern comforts we need."

Emily and Paul Smith

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